Carlow University Institutional Master Plan
As part of the project team led by Cannon Design, UpStudio Landscapes assisted Carlow University with updating their Institutional Master Plan (IMP). Utilizing the Department of City Planning’s IMP Best Practices Guide as a framework, UpStudio Landscapes worked closely with Carlow University to address the form and function of campus open spaces and pedestrian circulation routes on the University’s 17.64-acre urban campus.
UpStudio analyzed the campus open space system which consists of key spaces for learning, socialization, recreation, and quiet reflection. Plans and documentation were created to support and identify potential enhancements to campus open spaces for future implementation. These plans considered the future addition of new buildings and land parcels to the campus. UpStudio also defined strategies to improve and enhance campus perimeter/streetscape edge conditions which respond to the surrounding neighborhood context.
Working with the University, UpStudio also developed aspirational targets for campus green infrastructure and landscape projects, identifying opportunities to enhance the existing campus tree canopy. UpStudio’s work contributed to campus environmental protection targets creating a projected 10-year tree canopy goal for Carlow University.
Pittsburgh, PA